New Cancer Treatments That Could Revolutionize Medicine

When many people think about cancer treatments, they assume that the treatment protocols and options have not changed much in recent years. However, even though it may seem like the basic options in cancer treatment are the same, every day there are new discoveries made in the ways in which doctors can attack cancer and save lives. Get to know more about some of the new cancer treatments coming available that could revolutionize medicine and the ways that cancer is dealt with in the future. [Read More]

When Should Adults Wait Out Their Medical Symptoms (And When To Go To The Doctor)

Many people wait out their medical symptoms and postpone going to the doctor. They often avoid seeking medical care even if they suspect that they need to get medical attention. Unfortunately, this decision results in late diagnosis and reduced survival. Nonetheless, not all medical symptoms require an urgent trip to the ER. Use of ER services for non-urgent health conditions has disadvantages too, such as excessive healthcare spending, unnecessary testing, and a weaker primary care provider relationship. [Read More]

Five Common Options For Lesbian Couples Hoping To Have A Child

Lesbian couples have quite a few different options available to them when deciding how they will become parents. It's important that couples make sure that they're aware of all the options to arrive on the best possible parenting solution. The following are five of the main options available to lesbian couples who are looking to conceive a child and become parents: Coparenting Coparenting allows a lesbian couple to conceive with the help of a man or in some cases a homosexual male couple also hoping to become parents. [Read More]

When To See A Doctor

If you're like most adults, then going to the doctor is probably one of your least favorite things to do. After all, there's always that dread and fear that something is seriously wrong. Plus, sometimes visiting the doctor can just plain be uncomfortable. No matter how much you may loathe doctor's visits, however, they are necessary for staying healthy and strong throughout your life. Obviously, you should go in for regular checkups as scheduled and advised by your doctor, and you should also go in if you experience symptoms of a serious health issue or problem. [Read More]