How To Treat Renal Cell Carcinoma With A Nephrectomy

You are constantly hearing prevention information for breast, prostate and skin cancer. On the other hand, kidney cancer does not get as much attention, but is one of the most common cancers that affect adults. Renal cell carcinoma is a disease that causes malignant cells to form on the lining of the small tubes in your kidney. Most kidney cancers are treated with urology surgery because you can function with one kidney. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Conduct Drug Testing At Your Place Of Business

If you are like some employers, you might not really think that a drug test is necessary for your employees. After all, it might not seem like a big deal to worry about what your employees do on their own time, and you might assume that none of your employees or potential employees are using drugs anyway. However, drug use can be surprisingly common, and conducting drug tests can be worth it. [Read More]

3 Warning Signs Of Cancer

Cancer is all around you. It may seem at times that it is incredibly common to have cancer and you might wonder if you are going to get sick.  Cancer can affect anyone, young and old, which is why it is important to know the signs that something is wrong and see a doctor as soon as possible to get treatment. Here are some warning signs of cancer. 1. Unexplained Weight Changes [Read More]

Tips For Creating A Nighttime Routine So You Can Sleep Better

You might hear that in order to sleep well, you need to have a nighttime routine that you perform each day at the same time. This will allow your body to get into the groove of winding down so that you can fall asleep faster. You likely know all of the things that you can do, such as drink a warm glass of tea or milk, read a book, and avoid looking at your smartphone screen. [Read More]